Foot Health Care Blog
Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle
8 Ways to Protect Joint Health
It’s Arthritis Awareness Month, and at Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to help inform our patients about this increasingly prevalent disease.
Do You and Tiger Woods Have Something in Common?
If you’re a golfer, you may share a similar condition with PGA Tour champion, Tiger Woods. No, unfortunately it’s not his amazing swing but rather a foot disorder that we at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle often see in golfers: plantar fasciitis.
Walking Has Many Benefits
Walking regularly is a great way to stay in shape. It’s a low-cost activity that can be done practically anywhere on your own or with others.
5 Ways to Celebrate National Foot Health Awareness Month
At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, we love April! It’s National Foot Health Awareness Month and a great opportunity for us to share information on our favorite topic: protecting your feet.
FAQs about Corns
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle we know all our patients have heard about corns, but how much do you actually know about them?
Can Clogged Arteries Hurt Your Feet?
PAD occurs when cholesterol and other materials build up on the walls of your arteries reducing blood flow and resulting in poor circulation.
How’s Your Bunion?
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know our patients may think this is a strange question, but bunions are a progressive condition.
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Stiffness in Your Big Toe
If you suffer with arthritis, you may be accustomed to joints that feel stiff and ache, particularly on damp, cold days. These are the same symptoms you might be experiencing with Hallux Rigidus, a degenerative arthritic condition that affects the joint at the base of your big toe.
3 Podiatric Symptoms that May Mean More Than You Think
Your feet may be trying to tell you that there’s a bigger problem going on. Below are three podiatric symptoms that could be pointing to a more serious concern.
4 Steps to a Heart Healthier Diet
February is American Heart Month, and at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to help all our patients keep their hearts going strong. One big weapon in your arsenal to fight against heart disease is your diet.
Myths and Facts about Ingrown Toenails
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know there’s a lot of information and misinformation circulating about ingrown toenails, their treatment, and prevention.
Checklist for Diabetic Feet
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, one of our priorities is helping our patients with diabetes avoid complications. Neuropathy and poor circulation which are associated with this disease pack a one-two punch that can be devastating to the health of your feet.
How to Keep Your New Fitness Routine on Track
Studies show that most fitness resolutions fizzle around the third week in January. There are ways to boost your chances of success, however.
Protect Yourself from Winter Foot Infections
Here on the Nature Coast, we know that our winters are not as severe as in some parts of the country, but at Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to inform patients about the risk of fungal and other foot infections at this time of the year. Several factors combine to increase the chances of contracting one.
3 Reasons to Treat Ankle Twisting Injuries Immediately
At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, one unfortunate scenario we experience is seeing patients who delay seeking treatment for an ankle-twisting injury and the consequences that occur as a result. Although it’s tempting when an injury occurs to take a “wait and see” approach, when it comes to your ankles, here are three reasons to get a prompt evaluation.
What Are Your Feet Wishing for This Holiday Season?
At Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to know if you’ve remembered two very important and deserving recipients—your feet! Below are a few items you would likely find on your feet’s wish list if they made one.
Gout: An Unwanted Holiday Visitor
It was a night of holiday feasting and fun. Shrimp cocktail to start, then a delicious roast beef dinner served with a wonderful red wine and capped off with a snifter of brandy. In the middle of the night, however, you wake up with excruciating pain throbbing in your big toe, which feels hot and swollen. At Paso-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we hear many similar scenarios at this time of year, and they are the classic presentation of gout.
Stress Fractures Can be Difficult to Detect
Have you been experiencing an annoying but not completely debilitating pain in your forefoot or heel? At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, one condition we sometimes see in patients who complain of pain is a stress fracture. Although less dramatic than an acute fracture, a stress fracture can be just as serious.
Do’s and Don’ts for Dealing with Warts
Today, we’d like to help our patients better understand this common podiatric condition. Below are some do’s and don’ts regarding warts.
5 Tips to Save Your Feet on Black Friday
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know the biggest shopping day of the year—Black Friday—is right around the corner. If you’re planning to get out there and get your first pick of holiday gifts, we want to give our Nature Coast patients some strategies for saving your feet and your money.