Foot, Ankle & Heel Pain
Podiatrist, Foot, Ankle & Heel Pain Doctor in Hudson/Bayonet Point, FL
Heel Pain,
Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Spurs
You don’t have to live with heel pain anymore!
At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we treat a lot of heel pain or plantar fasciitis. Many of the symptoms include pain when you first get up in the morning, burning, numbness and increased symptoms by the end of the day. The pain is usually caused by tightening of the plantar fascia ligament located on the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia ligament supports the arch. When you're resting, the ligament contracts. As you start to walk, the ligament pulls and may tear slightly causing pain. Heel pain can also be brought on by trauma, over exertion, ill- fitting shoes or poor foot alignment. We initially treat plantar fasciitis conservatively with:
anti-inflammatory medication
plantar fascia exercise
cortisone injections
Proper foot support is one of the most important treatments we recommend. The purpose of foot support is to stop the ligament from tearing, thereby, getting at the cause of the problem. We often prescribe custom orthotics for the best possible foot support. Custom orthotics are inserts that fit into your shoes, which are custom molded specifically to your foot, to correct the faulty foot alignment and bring your foot into a more correct position. We find that most of our patients respond to conservative treatment with favorable outcomes. For those patients that require additional treatment surgery may be necessary. So, if you're suffering with heel pain, don't wait for it to become a chronic problem. Make an appointment, and we'll get you back, to the activities you love, in no-time.
Tendon Injury - Achilles Tendinitis
Tendinitis most often occurs when a tendon is over used. As the foot extends the Achilles tendon engages the calf muscles. The calf muscle generates force, which is transferred to the foot via this tendon. As this action repeats the tendon will endure large amounts of stress. An under-trained or inexperienced athlete is most likely to be affected by tendinitis since their body is not accustomed to the stress involved with athletics. Improper foot mechanics is another common cause of Achilles tendinitis. A properly functioning foot will distribute weight evenly across the foot. On the contrary, if the foot is experiencing improper mechanics, the weight of the body will not be evenly distributed. This can result in tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, calluses, bunions, neuromas and much more.
SYMPTOMS: Initially, pain is experienced in the back of the heel. Through further examination patients often notice swelling, skin that is warm to the touch and tenderness in the heel. Furthermore, standing on the toes will cause intense pain in the lower back part of the heel.
PREVENTION: By properly training the body, an athlete can build the strength of their tendons and muscles. Following a workout and dieting plan, the body will be able to build muscle and strengthen most effectively. Additionally, doing the following can prevent tendinitis:
Wearing proper footwear – Wearing appropriate shoes will give your foot the support it needs for proper movements of the foot and ankle. Improper movements will put additional stress on your body.
Stretching before an athletic activity – Stretching primes the body for a taxing activity. Additionally, this will get your blood flowing and reduce the risk of pulling a muscle.
Ask your doctor about orthotics – Custom orthotics can help get your foot into proper alignment. If the foot does not execute proper mechanics, the body will adjust which will cause pain and increase the chances of injury.
TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT: At our office in Hudson Florida, our Foot Doctor will be able to examine your condition and determine if Achilles tendonitis is the cause of your heel pain. By taking an X-ray or scanning the foot, he will be able to get a clear understanding of your condition and prescribe the most effective treatment. If you do have Achilles tendonitis, you are at a higher risk of rupturing it. For this reason it is important that you stay off of your feet and avoid most activities until your body has recovered. You can also use bandaging, ice and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling and promote efficient healing. Make an appointment with Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle for a complete evaluation.
Ankle Sprains &
Ankle sprains are an extremely common injury. They involve possible joint damage resulting in swelling, instability and pain, to more severe damage, such as torn ligaments, bruised cartilage and broken bones. Immediate treatment includes rest, ice, compression and anti-inflammatories. Unfortunately, as many as 80% of untreated sprained ankles result in prolonged symptoms. These can include chronic pain or ankle instability, that makes a person prone to repetitive injury later in life and arthritic changes. In our practice, we utilize the latest technology to determine if there is a fracture, dislocation or torn ligaments. If you've sprained your ankle or have a history of ankle sprains, early evaluation and aggressive treatment is the best way to avoid chronic pain, instability and arthritis of the involved joints. Schedule an appointment with Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle immediately to be evaluated by our Foot and Ankle Doctor and to learn more about all of your treatment options.
Foot, Ankle or Toe Fractures
A broken bone is also known as a fracture. There is a common misconception that a broken bone is worse than a fracture. In reality they are the same. There are many different types of fractures or breaks. A bone can be broken and the fragments can be out of position. We call this a displaced fracture. Conversely, if they are in good alignment it's called a non-displaced fracture. If a bone is broken and you can barely see it on an x-ray, it is a hairline fracture. Finally, if a bone is broken and one of the fragments has punctured the skin, we call this an open or compound fracture. Since open fractures can easily become infected immediate surgical management is required. Broken bones are usually splinted initially to prevent bone movement and further damage to the soft tissues that surround them. If the fracture is displaced it may need to be set. In certain fractures, setting them can be difficult. In these types of fractures, surgery is also indicated. This will provide the best opportunity for healing. Even though all of this sounds very scary, most fractures can be managed in a cast without going to the OR. Even simple fractures of the toes respond very well to this treatment. And yes, we do put casts on toes. Not the plaster or fiberglass most people think of. Instead, we use a mesh tape which holds the toe in place.
If you, or someone you know has sustained an injury to the foot or ankle schedule an appointment with Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, our medical team will make every attempt to see you ASAP, usually the day you call.