Help for Ingrown Toenails
Millions of Americans suffer from ingrown toenails. Sometimes, the pain is so severe they find themselves missing work and canceling social activities. “Why, then, do they avoid treatment, you might be asking...
The reasons are simple: they do not know that a simple office procedure can relieve their pain quite rapidly. Most home remedies are often more painful than proper medical treatment.
Ingrown nails are nails whose corners or sides dig painfully into the soft tissue of nail grooves, often leading to irritation, redness, and swelling. Usually, toenails grow straight out. Sometimes, however, one or both corners or sides curve and grow into the flesh. The big toe is usually the victim of this condition most often, but other toes can also become affected. This can lead to painful infections and loss of mobility.
If you suspect an infection due to an ingrown toenail, please contact Dr. Kales to schedule an appointment.
There is also a permanent procedure available for chronic (recurring) ingrown toenails, utilizing a chemical that successfully prevents the reoccurrence of ingrown toenails at the root of the nail The procedure can be comfortably performed in the office. You will be able to walk immediately.
Increased pain
Infection which might necessitate more extensive treatment
Serious complications in people with circulatory problems and diabetes,
such as infection, gangrene and threatened limb loss
Family history
Improper cutting of toenails and cutting into the corners
Not cutting toenails straight across
Tight fitting shoes or socks
Curved nails
Fungus nail infection
Trauma (injury) to the nail
Walking barefoot or just socks
Avoiding timely professional treatment
If you have an ingrown toenail, schedule an appointment for relief.
Call Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle 727-868-2128 or request an appointment online today.