4 Surprising Reasons Your Feet May Hurt

It may happen suddenly or gradually, but we at Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle often hear from patients that they are experiencing foot pain they can't explain. They don’t recall injuring their foot, and they haven’t made any big changes to fitness routines that could be making their feet hurt. The appropriate response to new or worsening foot pain is to make an appointment at our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799. Our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, will examine your feet and ask questions about your recent activities to track down the source of your discomfort.

Some possible causes of foot pain you might not expect:

1.       Your floors—Hardwood and tile floors are currently more popular choices in home décor than soft carpeting, but these may not be the best for your feet. If you have one of these floors and spend a lot of time at home, you may need to wear shoes while inside to ensure your feet get the necessary padding to absorb shock and protect your feet.

2.       Wrong shoe size—It’s a fact that your feet can get bigger as you age. This is due to the natural slackening of muscles and ligaments, which can cause your foot to spread a bit and make your shoes tight. If you haven't done so recently, getting your foot professionally measured at a shoe store is a good idea to ensure you are buying the correct size shoe.

3.       Thinning fat pads—The one area where fat loss is not welcome is your feet! The balls of your feet and the heels have a fat pad that helps cushion your feet and reduce the stress from impact with the ground when you walk. Over time, these pads can get thinner, leaving you vulnerable to foot pain. Modifications in your footwear or the addition of shoe inserts can help.

4.       Underlying conditions—The feet often act as an early warning system to your body. Many diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and neuropathy, may first show symptoms in your feet. New pain, swelling, tingling, or burning may not originate in your feet but rather due to a systemic disease or condition.

It’s important not to put off getting foot pain evaluated. The sooner you do, the sooner your podiatrist will be able to diagnose the cause of your pain and get you on the road to recovery.


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